Trip Itinerary
Day 1
Land in Johannesburg
Sleep in Afton House Lodge
Day 2
Head to Kolobe Ranch after breakfast
Explore ranch and wildlife after lunch
Bonfire after dinner and optional nighttime safari
Day 3
Head to Kruger National Park after breakfast
Eat lunch at private restaurant/golf course
Pet and ride elephants at nearby sanctuary
Stay overnight at lodging near Kruger National Park
Day 4
Visit world's third largest river canyon after breakfast
Return to the lodge for lunch and rest
Enter Kruger National Park in late afternoon for dinner and sleep
Day 5
Early light breakfast, then large tour around park
Lunch at park restaurant
Continue safari into evening
Dinner and drinks
Day 6
Repeat of day 5 with optional individual activities
Herds in the massive Kruger National Park often exceed over 100 animals at a time
Day 7
Go to Crystal Springs Outlook Lodge after breakfast
Eat lunch at a local establishment
Arrive before dinner
Take a small tour of the grounds
Day 8
Visit "God's Window" and see a waterfall before lunch
Go to Shagana Tribal Cultural Center in the afternoon
Visit nearby villages and small traditional markets
Back to Crystal Springs for dinner
Day 9
Breakfast and begin the return to Johannesburg
Sightseeing and lunch along the way
Airport arrival at 4pm
Flight departure around 7pm